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Who We Are


At Connect Insurance - Carter Team, our mission is to provide exceptional insurance coverage and personalized service to our clients. We believe that consistent communication among all parties involved fosters trust and transparency within the intricate insurance industry.

We are committed to staying up-to-date on the latest industry trends and technologies to provide the best possible solutions for our clients.



Persistence is the unwavering lighthouse keeper, bravely keeping the beacon shining in the storm, guiding ships safely through turbulent seas, and ensuring protection amid uncertainty.


Cooperation in the insurance world is like a well-orchestrated ensemble, where each policyholder and insurer plays their role in harmony, composing a safeguarding symphony where protection thrives through collective effort.


Honesty forms the bedrock foundation of the insurance world. Just as a strong foundation supports a towering structure, it upholds trust, integrity, and stability, ensuring the Carter Signature Insurance's strength and reliability.

About the Carter Team.

Connect Insurance - Carter Team specializes in flood and home insurance. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the best insurance coverage to protect your home and assets. We believe in providing personalized service and customized solutions to meet your unique needs.

Anthony Carter


Meet Anthony Carter, the visionary founder of Carter Signature Insurance. With a diverse background as a college basketball coach and a seasoned real estate agent along the Texas coast, Anthony brings invaluable expertise in handling homes in challenging weather-prone areas. His commitment to serving clients in hard-to-insure area's is at the heart of his insurance legacy.

Favorite Film

The Blues Brothers. Their determination to the mission despite all the obstacles, as outlandish as they are, is an inspiration. Keep your hat and sunglasses on, get the band together, and grind. 


Licensed Insurance Broker
License Texas Real Estate Agent


Anthony Carter


About this photo

Caught up in the chaos of Tropical Storm Imelda, I stumbled upon a pup without a leash or collar while watching the storm fill the island.

Water up to my shins, I threw together a makeshift welcome—collar and a soggy chicken strip. "YO... PUPPY!" I called out. Without hesitation, he dashed over, and that was it.

That night, with the house swaying, the little guy curled around my head for a snooze. Just a pup seeking shelter from the storm,

I was unable to find his owners despite my best efforts. He never answered to anything but puppy. 

I'd like to thank my future wife for snapping this photo as we walked to our new home. 


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